samedi 30 août 2014

10 Most Strange Things You Can Buy Online

We all know the internet is a weird and wonderful place; a treasure trove of the unusual and bizarre. There are some downright useless objects you can buy online, but there are also some rather interesting and amazing things too. Here are some of the best things you can buy whilst online shopping, that can’t be found at any mall.

#10 Pillow Tie. Practical

#9 Kangaroo Scrotum

#8 Canned Unicorn Meat

#7 Inflatable Toast

#6 The Boyfriend Arm Pillow

#5 Fish In A Squirrel Suit

#4 Jar of Human Toenails

#3 Doll Arm Earrings

#2 Real Decayed Antique Human Molar Specimen

#1 Doritos Locos Taco Master-Locked Shut

10 Most Expensive Things , That You Will Never Need

The incredible price of some of these ridiculously unnecessary items will make you shake your head if you've never had to work a day in your life. Some of these items include crazy stuff every day like pizza or tea, but some are so strange and unreasonable weird that you will not be able to understand why in the world someone would need a thing. 

Now, you probably think exclusive luxury hotels or Lamborghini, well think again. How about 18K gold bra? Or set with diamonds cricket ball? That's more like it! 

Here is a list of the most expensive things that are somehow useless and unnecessary. Just because we all want to solve the problem of hunger in the world! Is that it?









